Gaining Glimmers

Almost all of us have heard or use the word "trigger" at times to identify things, people, places etc. that induce distressing feelings in us. This word has become part of our common language and is typically implicitly understood. Glimmers is a relatively new concept, born out of trauma work that brings our attention to the very opposite.

They are the moments where we feel peace, awe, beauty, joy or comfort. Glimmers are often fleeting but can be deeply felt. They do not discount that at the same time, possibly more in the background, we could be feeling a range of distressing feelings. Just as we can become acutely aware of danger, we can also begin to notice moments where we are OK, at least on some level. Gaining more glimmers in our life can lower our stress levels over time and help to widen our perspectives. They can feel very unnatural to some of us at first and slowly be easier to embrace

The key is to try to hone in on the really small moments. The morning coffee or warm beverage that is soothing, the feel of crisp fresh air on your face, the unexpected positive interaction with a neighbor, stranger or loved one, a cuddle session with your pet or finding a new favorite song. These might not be the glimmers for you but try to notice when you are experiencing the world through sensations that evoke feelings of excitement, calm, peace or even some sense of safety.

Although these moments might be limited they will occur again. The more we can tune into what it feels like briefly for them to be occurring will allow us to feel them more frequently as they arise. Just bringing the concept into your awareness as a possibility can be helpful in beginning to gain more glimmers.


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